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Resources in the NRICH Lending Library

Resources are available for students and families in the New Richmond, Wisconsin, area. We are not able to mail resources out. Please contact Dr. Judie if you have any questions about available resources at

Children's Literature

There are hundreds of books for all reading levels and interests available for students to check out from the NRICH lending library. Reading should be enjoyable so there will be no tests to take when done reading - be sure to have a chance to discuss the books with your child because good readers get better by talking about what they read.

Informational Text

It is important to read informational text and non-fiction books, as well as fiction. These books appeal to students' interests and can significantly increase subject-specific knowledge and vocabulary. There are hundreds of non-fiction and informational texts available for reading during sessions and for checking out.

Books for Grades 5-12+

Young Adult and middle level books available on a variety of topics.

Books for Parents/Guardians

Parents and guardians may like to check out some of the resources on learning and child development.



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